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What is VUCA and Why Business and IT Professionals Need to Learn How to Navigate in it

The Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) landscape in the digitally enabled world is a fact of life and every Business and IT Professional needs to first, recognize complexity, and second, learn how to navigate in VUCA. 
We live in the era where each new technology offers new opportunities and capabilities. This is  very exciting, but using these opportunities and developing these capabilities without robust digital and IT strategies has brought many organizations to the point of value leakage, value loss or even complete failure. I hear from many of my industry peers that building strategies, defining critical success factors and measuring success has become difficult, as the external environment is changing so rapidly that organizations cant keep up with the pace. In this context we need to find new ways of defining a digital and IT strategy which chooses the opportunities and capabilities that will best enable the organization towards intended value and success. The digital and IT strategy needs to ensure suitable to the environment organizational structures ( i.e. flattened), operational response mechanisms to react fast, and agile governance enabling faster decision making.
Download the article below on how ITIL 4 DIGITAL AND IT STRATEGY (DIT) can help your organization to navigate VUCA and enable business success
To learn more about ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy course and certification, click here.

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